Wednesday, December 27, 2017

2017 is almost gone

It's been a busy year - and I'm thankful to have had it.  Several milestones:

  • Celebrated my 10 year anniversary of being a breast cancer survivor.
  • Celebrated another birthday 😊😊
  • Survived pneumonia (it seemed to take forever though)
  • Got to see all four of my children and several of my grandchildren.
  • One grandson who had been living with me while he finished college, graduated and moved away.
  • I think I've adjusted to living alone.
  • Koda (my little dog) turned 2 and is doing much better with going outside.  He thinks he's a big watchdog and he takes his job very seriously.
I know that's not nearly all, but it's what I can think of at the moment.

I've been blessed in so many ways and God has certainly taken care of me.  If you're reading this, I pray you have a blessed and happy 2018.

1 comment:

Jennifer alex said...

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