Sunday, December 31, 2017

Finishing 2017

Well, I've already posted most of the highlights from my year.  Had lots of good things - and a few not so good.

Pneumonia in June wasn't much fun - seemed to take forever to really get over it.  Radiologist diagnosed me with COPD after a CT scan.  After many more tests and visits with a Pulmonologist, I'm fine - NO COPD - Praise God!

So then, the doctor wants to do a "Wellness Visit" towards the end of the year - how much fun is that - NOT!  Anyway, that resulted in a diagnosis of high cholesterol and poor balance.  I'm still not sure about the cholesterol & the meds - need further research; but am going for physical therapy for my balance.  And, how much fun is THAT??  Again - NOT!

She wants me to start taking medication for my bones (last bone scan showed Osteopenia) but I'm not real excited about the medication.  I'm just not crazy about medication at any level and will avoid it if possible.

I agree, my balance can definitely use some improvement and I'm sincerely hoping this will help it.  I truly want to maintain my independence as long as possible and I'm not getting any younger.

So, I'm glad to close out the year 2017.  Have much to be thankful for and many blessings through the year.  See you in 2018!

1 comment:

Jennifer alex said...

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